For TradeDigitization.com
Operators of the Web-3 Protocol Initiative
Comprising TRADE GATEWAYS, e-Debit and GTIN Token
Helping To Transition From Web 2 To Web 3
Providing Web 3 Benefits To Web 2 Sites
Facilitating Web-3 For Trade
TradeDigitization .com Programme
TradeDigitization.com is an IBM partner programme. It operates the Web-3 Protocol.
What is The Web-3 Protocol?
The Web-3 Protocol has been initiated by TradeDigitization.com, which is an IBM Partner Programme.
The Web-3 Protocol has been designed to help with a transition to Web 3.
TradeDigitization.com comprises of TRADE GATEWAYS and e-Debit. These, along with the GTIN Token, are components of the Web-3 Protocol, and are designed to assist with a transition to Web 3.
Web 2, the social web, brought us user-generated content, social media platforms, and interactive websites. However, Web 3 takes the Internet to a new level by introducing decentralized web platforms, blockchain technology, and advanced user experiences.
While being an exciting opportunity, the transition to Web 3 presents many challenges. For that reason, TradeDigitization.com has launched the Web-3 Protocol as a halfway house that assists the transition to, and the adoption of, Web 3.
All Trademarks used in the Programme are owned by TradeDigitization.com.
As stated above, e-Debit is part of TradeDigitization.com. It uses a decentralized system with blockchain technology to provide a Cryptos Wallet System for Trade and uses Generic Domains to Provide Crypto Payment Addresses for Trade Domains
EDEBIT complements TRADE GATEWAYS and provides related Digital Wallet services for the TRADE GATEWAYS network and other Web 3 operations.
EDEBIT Tokens - Native Token of the e-Debit Programme
There are 5 billion EDEBIT tokens in circulation.
EDEBIT has around 1.377 million registered users. There are 5 Billion EDEBIT Tokens with a Market Capitalization of $61.5 Million as can be seen HERE
The Value in EDEBIT Tokens
The e-Debit Programme has a lot of value which includes:
1. e-Debit own a Cryptos Wallet site with over 1,377,000 subscribers
2. e-Debit owns Web 3.0 related domain names for over 90 countries
3. e-Debit owns Prime Web 3.0 related domain names for over 80 industries
The inherent value of the e-Debit token is as broken down below.
The current value is derived from the values of the subscribers and intellectual property. The Customer acquisition cost is used as the metric to calculate the value of the subscribers.
The Customer acquisition cost measures the total marketing and sales expenses a business incurs in acquiring a new customer.
The bench mark for valuing customer acquisition cost can be seen at:
From there, it can be seen that e-Commerce companies’ average customer acquisition costs are $70.
That values the 1,377,000 E-Debit Subscribers at $97,390,000. e-Debit also owns Web 3 Domains for over 80 countries.
As stated above, e-Debit also owns Web 3 Domains for over 80 countries.
Marketing will be through Registrars in relevant countries. Marketing costs will be borne by these Registrars.
As previously stated, Web 3 Domains provide Branding for Web 3 Projects and offerings. They also provide a way to send and receive funds. They can be used to provide subdomains that provide branding for Web 3 Projects and offerings.
As such they are valuable assets in their own right. Each offered subdomain comes with a Web 3 Trade Microsite account and will be competitively priced at around $20 per domain for the year.
Web 3 Subdomain and Trade Microsite Provision Business Operations
Selected Registrars
Marketing and User Acquisition:
- SEO: Impemlentation of a search engine optimization Programme
- Online Advertising:
- Affiliate Marketing: An affiliate programme will be established
Projected Volume:
A minimum of 25 sub domains incorporating Trade Microsite Accounts, a day per Country Web 3 Domain, at an average sale price of $20 per sub domain.
Additional Services:
Upsell related Trade Digitization services to increase average transaction value.
Projected Net Future Revenues:
Accordingly, net revenues from sub domain sales and renewals is expected to be in excess of $10 million per annum, after operating costs and commissions of 30%.
These factors and the rise of utility of the token should see an exponential rise in the price of the EDEBIT token.
Notable Quotes From Partners in the Parent TradeDigitization.com Programme
"Exciting Opportunity"
From TradeKey - The World's Largest B2B Marketplace
"We are looking forward to building a thriving partnership!"
From IBM - Global Leader in Blockchain , the cornerstone of Trade Digitization
GTIN Token - Part of the TradeDigitization .com Programme
The GTIN Token Programme is operated by TRADE GATEWAYS.
GTIN is the number that can be seen on the familiar barcode.
GTIN is the acronym for “Global Trade Item Number”.
A GTIN is a number that is used to identify “something” that can be purchased, sold, or put into inventory. This includes individual items that can be purchased by a consumer as well as cases of items that could be purchased and moved within a supply chain.
A GTIN is an umbrella term used to refer to items that may need to be identified with a GTIN barcode.
The GTIN Token Programme builds on the GTIN System on which the Bar Code is built, to give products their own Unique Digital Identity for the Trade Digitization Process.
This is the world's first-ever implementation of GTIN semantics in a Trade Digitization framework.
This development enables all brands already working with GTIN identifiers to seamlessly apply a Trade Digitization Programme.
Partner Powered Platforms
TradeKey are the largest B2B Marketplace in the world and are a partner in the TradeDigitization.com Programme . TradeKey powers the MarketPlaces.Trade and the Procurements.TradePlatform, which are both part of the TradeDigitization.com Progamme. e-Debit provides the Payment platform for these marketplaces.
Domains Owned by the e-Debit Programme
Prime Domains for the locations of featured Digital Trade Gateways are utilized in the TradeDigitization.com Programme. These Digital Trade Gateways are powered by TradeKey.
Prime Domains for the correspondent payment programme are also featured in the Programme.
As stated, the Memorable Domains for the correspondent payment programme are owned by the e-Debit Programme. They are used to provide Memorable sub domains to users which help access cryptos wallets. They can also help to save a lot of time and headache.
As in the real world, the most important thing on the Internet is Location, Location, Location.
The Prime domains are a great marketing tool that can help facilitate the marketing and branding of sites and help their discovery on the web.
They are also valuable assets that increase in value. They have a lot of value within the Programme.
Crypto Payment Address Benefits
Crypto Payment Address can help simplify crypto payments forever
Whether it’s for sending crypto or transferring it, you can save a lot of time and headaches
Although wallet addresses (that long string of mumbo jumbo that identifies where crypto should go) are an easy way for computers to talk with each other, they certainly weren’t made with humans in mind. And the last thing you want when transferring or sending crypto is for it to be sent to the wrong person.
A list of Crypto Payment Address domains can be provided to you, e.g. (Your Company).( Producer.Trade) if your company is a Producer, or (Your Company). NorthernIreland.Trade if your company is in Northern Ireland, or (Your Company) .(Manufacturer.Trade) if your company is a manufacturer.
Details of Digital Trade Gateways owned by the e-Debit Programme and corresponding Blockchain Powered Web 3 Domains used for payment addresses Cryptocurrency Wallets can be provided.
Value of Prime Domains
The domains owned by the e-Debit Programme as outlined above are prime Internet Assets.
As in the real world, the most important thing on the Internet is Location, Location, Location.
Prime domains are a great marketing tool that can help facilitate the marketing and branding of sites and help their discovery on the web.They are also valuable assets that increase in value.
It is important to emphasise that there is additional value outside the subscribers as detailed above. This is the goodwill element of things.
Elements of the goodwill value include the value of the websites, and the cost of recreating the e-Debit programme
Binance Smart Chain
Token Type:
BEP 20
Tokens in Circulation:
5,000,000,000 tokens
Current Market cap:
61.4 Million US Dollars
Vesting Overview
- 20% (1 billion tokens)
- 5 Month Cliff
- No Vesting Period
- Monthly Vesting Releases
- 20% (1 billion tokens)
- 10 Month Cliff
- No Vesting Period
- Monthly Vesting Releases
- 15% (750 million tokens)
- 6 Month Cliff
- 24 Month Vesting Period
- Quarterly Vesting Releases
- 10% (500 million tokens)
- 12 month Cliff
- No Vesting Period
- Monthly Vesting Releases
- 10% (500 million tokens)
- 12 month Cliff
- 1 Month Vesting Period
- Monthly Vesting Releases
Treasury and Ecosystem
- 25 % (1.25 billion tokens)
- 12 month Cliff
- 1 Month Vesting Period
- Monthly Vesting Releases
Our tokenomics structure is designed to ensure a fair and balanced distribution of tokens,aligning the interests of all stakeholders and supporting the long-term growth and sustainability of the project.
Services provided by Major Partners
These include Trade Finance Services to help provide Extended credit to Buyers, and immediate Payment to Sellers
Support and Administration of the Programme is being outsourced to Flatworld Solutions
FWS is a testament to excellence in the global IT, Business Consulting, and Outsourcing arena.
FWS started Global Operations in 2004. They currently have over 18,000+ clients across the
globe, and a staff of over 5,000 professionals.
The FWS operational footprint spans the globe, with delivery centres providing strategic
support and administration resources..
Tokens: 400 million.
TGE: 20% of the tokens will be available on the Token Generation Event (TGE) day.
Cliff: No cliff period.
Vesting: Vesting over 12 months with monthly releases.
Share: 15% of the total token supply.
Tokens: 300 million
TGE: No tokens available on TGE day.
Cliff: 6-month cliff period.
Vesting: Vesting over 24 months with quarterly releases, ensuring long-term commitment and
alignment with the project's success.
Community Incentives:
Share: 10% of the total token supply.
Tokens: 20 million.
TGE: No tokens available on TGE day.
Cliff: No cliff period.
Vesting: Vesting over 12 months with monthly releases to reward active community members
and participants.
Share: 10% of the total token supply.
Tokens: 200 million.
TGE: No tokens available on TGE day.
Cliff: 1-month cliff period.
Vesting: Vesting over 12 months with monthly releases, supporting ongoing marketing efforts
to promote the project.
Treasury and Ecosystem Growth:
Share: 25% of the total token supply.
Tokens: 50 million.
TGE: No tokens available on TGE day.
Cliff: 1-month cliff period.
Vesting: Vesting over 36 months with monthly releases, ensuring funds are available for future
growth and ecosystem development.
Support and Administration of the Programme is being outsourced to Flatworld Solutions
FWS is a testament to excellence in the global IT, Business Consulting, and Outsourcing arena.
FWS started Global Operations in 2004. They currently have over 18,000+ clients across the
globe, and a staff of over 5,000 professionals.
The FWS operational footprint spans the globe, with delivery centres providing strategic
support and administration resources..
e-Debit and Web 3.0
With the emergence of Blockchain, new means of values exchange have developed, particularly with Tokenization and the Digitization of Trade. This can provide huge cost and time savings, and make trade more efficient.
The Internet is entering its third phase, namely Web 3.0. This enables the ownership verification and transfer of digitized versions of products on blockchain networks such as the TradeDigitization.com Programme, with the e-Debit Programme being used as the payment Platform.
What is Web 3.0?
Since the 1990s, the Internet has evolved as below.
Web 1.0:
The Internet of Information - (Static Pages. No Interaction. read-only)
Web 2.0:
The Social and Transactional Internet - (read / write / share /transact /)
Web 2.0 (2004 onwards) is when the Internet became social and transactional. With Web 1.0, you could only read about a destination on the Internet on a static web page.
Web 2.0 enabled the booking of travel to that destination as part of a dynamic web page. Also you could now share content and enjoy messaging.
Web 3.0:
The Internet Of Value - (read / write / share / transact / Transfer Value)
Web 3.0 is the Internet of value, Just like companies rushed to get websites for their products in the 1990's, future businesses will need to develop digitized versions of their products.
Web 3.0 is the future of the Internet....
Provision of Memorable Crypto Payment Addresses
EDEBIT operates a programme using Memorable Domains it owns to provide Memorable sub domains to users which help access cryptos wallets.
The EDEBIT Cryptos Wallet Platform allows Memorable Blockchain Based Domains for specific sectors to be used to access cryptocurrency wallets as well as provide valuable benefits that are of great Benefit to a Trade Digitization Programme.
Crypto is coming back into focus for payments leaders. EDEBIT is in talks with major companies on opportunities accruing from this.
Why do I want a Crypto Payment Address domain?
A Crypto Payment Address domain functions just like traditional domains available through the domain name system (DNS) when accessed with a DNS resolver.
However, using a Crypto Payment Address domain provides a few key advantages, including enhanced security. Most websites are verified by certificate authorities (CAs). If a CA is attacked, sites may be susceptible to massive phishing scams, arbitrary take-downs, or data breaches. That’s not a concern when you’re using a Crypto Payment Address domain.

Financial data analysis graph showing search findings. Selective focus. Horizontal composition with copy space.
How can I use a Crypto Payment Address domain?
Once you receive your Crypto Payment Address domain, you can use it however you like. There are a number of practical uses for Crypto Payment Address domains, including:
• Create a cryptocurrency wallet: A Crypto Payment Address domain can serve as a secure wallet for your cryptocurrency. The address can be used to make or receive payments.
•Act as URL shorteners that are easy to remember that redirect to your Cryptocurrency wallet
Your Crypto Payment Address name points to your cryptocurrency wallet.
Featured Stablecoins in the Programme
The -Debit Programme provides a Cryptos Payment Wallet to facilitate payments for users across the TradeDigitization.com Programme.
Circle is one of the Largest Stablecoin Providers in the world and the intention is to co-operate with Circle on Stablecoin Provision for the Programme. The intention is to also co-operate with PayPal on the Paypal USD (PYUSD) stablecoin for the Programme.
Stablecoins are designed to maintain a stable value for payments on the blockchain. This can help with the integration of Web3 payments for products across the Trade Gateways. They can also facilitate trade finance.
E: contact@tradegateways.com