Bringing together Major Partners
To help facilitate Trade Digitilization
At the Prime Web Address For Trade Digitilization
Featuring Trade Digitilization Channels
Digitilization will transform Manufacturing
TradeDigitalization .com
Digitalization increases the scale, scope, and speed of trade. It allows firms to bring new products and services to a larger number of digitally-connected customers across the globe.
It also enables firms, notably smaller ones, to use new and innovative digital tools to overcome barriers to growth, helping facilitate payments, enabling collaboration, avoiding investment in fixed assets through the use of cloud-based services, and facilitates Supply-Chain Finance and Invoices Finance.
Manufacturing will be greatly enhanced by the digitalization of products. is part of the Programme
The TradeDigitalization .com Programme
The Programme is an IBM Partner Programme. It comprises of TRADE GATEWAYS and e-Debit.
TRADE GATEWAYS provides an Infrastructure for Trade Digitization with over 300 Digital Trade Gateways, operated from prime Domains. TRADE GATEWAYS co-operates with B2B Marketplaces with millions of subscribers...
All Trademarks used in the Programme are owned by TRADE GATEWAYS, who are the operators of the Programme.
The GTIN Token Programme is operated by TRADE GATEWAYS.
GTIN is the number that can be seen on the familiar barcode.
GTIN is the acronym for “Global Trade Item Number”.
A GTIN is a number that is used to identify “something” that can be purchased, sold, or put into inventory. This includes individual items that can be purchased by a consumer as well as cases of items that could be purchased and moved within a supply chain.
A GTIN is an umbrella term used to refer to items that may need to be identified with a GTIN barcode.
The GTIN Token Programme builds on the GTIN System on which the Bar Code is built, to give product their own Unique Digital Identity for the Trade Digitization Process.
The GTIN TOKEN Trademark and other relevant Trademarks used in the Programme are owned by TRADE GATEWAYS, who are the operators of the GTIN TOKEN Programme.
Domains Owned by the e-Debit Programme
Prime Domains for the locations of featured Digital Trade Gateways are utilized in the Programme. These Digital Trade Gateways are powered by TradeKey.
Prime Domains for the correspondent payment programme are also featured in the Trade Programme.
As stated, the Memorable Domains for the correspondent payment programme are owned by the e-Debit Programme. They are used to provide Memorable sub domains to users which help access cryptos wallets. They can also help to save a lot of time and headache.
As in the real world, the most important thing on the Internet is Location, Location, Location.
The Prime domains are a great marketing tool that can help facilitate the marketing and branding of sites and help their discovery on the web.
They are also valuable assets that increase in value. They have a lot of value within the Trade Programme.
Value of Prime Domains
The domains owned by the e-Debit Programme as outlined above are prime Internet Assets.
As in the real world, the most important thing on the Internet is Location, Location, Location.
Prime domains are a great marketing tool that can help facilitate the marketing and branding of sites and help their discovery on the web.They are also valuable assets that increase in value.
It is important to emphasise that there is additional value outside the subscribers as detailed above. This is the goodwill element of things.
Elements of the goodwill value include:
- Value of website and databases
- The cost of recreating the e-Debit programme
Digital Identifiers
Digital identifiers are unique pieces of information used to authenticate users, or objects in the digital world. In the GTIN Token System, Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), linked to specific addresses on the Internet (IP addresses), are used as digital identifiers.
When you enter a URL in your browser, it will first determine the domain name of that URL. It then looks up the IP address and connects to the server with this IP address. IP addresses are configured in the Global Domain Name System (DNS), which acts as a phone directory for the Internet.
The Programme co-operates with a number of major partners including:
TradeKey are the largest B2B Marketplace in the world, and are partner in the TRADEGATEWAYS Programme. TradeKey is a global B2B platform established in 2006 and has a distinguished presence globally. TradeKey is one of the largest international E-Marketplaces for exporting and importing. It has over 10 million registered users.
Millions of people visit TradeKey every month. Companies using TradeKey, can now use the TRADE GATEWAYS Programme to digitize and facilitate accruing Trade
Logistics and Hosting Partners
Logistics Partners in the Programme can help to take much of the pain out of International Trade by providing End To End Logistics.
Major Hosting Partners Provide world class Hosting and Support.
Notable Quotes From Partners in the Parent Programme
"Exciting Opportunity"
From TradeKey - The World's Largest B2B Marketplace
"We are looking forward to building a thriving partnership!"
From IBM - Global Leader in Blockchain , the cornerstone of Trade Digitization
Trade Servers - Hosting the GTIN Token Programme
Trade Servers are customized to be used for the GTIN Token Programme. Their IP Address is as a Unique Identifier for a particular Tokenized Trade Programme.
Trade Servers contain all required tools and all required information for the programme. The Trade Servers are fully supported by GTIN Token Programme, and individual Hosting Partners.
Trade servers host Trade Microsites, featuring multiple products for individual Manufacturers/Suppliers.
All the resources of that machine are "dedicated" to that individual Manufacturer or Supplier, thereby using the dedicated IP Address of the server to provide a unique Identifier for them and their products.
Trade Documents Verification and Issuer Identification
The GTIN Token Programme uses the Domain Name System (DNS) as the method of issuer identity verification. The DNS system can be summarised as: "Phonebook for the Internet".
Its primary purpose is to resolve human readable names such as "GTIN", to a set of records. The most common records are 'A records', which resolve to IP addresses - this allows network routing to operate over the Internet.
The GTIN Token Programme uses the TXT type of record, which simply allows the storage of textual data. The textual data stored indicates the deployed Document Store / Token Registry address.
By using the DNS system as an identity registry, the domain name owners can claim ownership of a Document Store / Token Registry smart contract on the Public Blockchain used for verification, which is the Polygon Blockchain.
Standardization and Interoperability
A key issue for Trade Digitization is that several proprietary solutions each have their own formats.
Using the GTIN Token Platform which builds on the familiar and universal barcode, helps ensure standardization and interoperability.
Can Products have a Digital Identity?
Products can have a digital identity. Product Digital identity is the digital data and information that can be linked to a particular product.
Creating digital identities for products is becoming increasingly important, as more products become connected to digital ecosystems, especially within the supply chains to prevent fraud and address other issues.
Organizations can assign a digital identifier for a product in order to verify its authenticity and track its movements. It can also help customers verify the authenticity of a product, and access relevant product information and support.
TradeKey powers the MarketPlaces.Trade and Procurement.Trade Platforms, which are both part of the Progamme
The Programme also operates the Products.Trade Platform and features the Procurements.Trade Platform. It is in the process of establishing the Supply-Chain.Finance Platform to co-operate with major Supply Chain Financiers to provide Supply Chain Finance to the Programme.
Trade Digitilization Channels
Channels featured at include:
Upcoming Channels to be featured at include:
Web 3 Gateways Network
Just like companies rushed to get websites for their products in the 1990's, future businesses will need to develop digitized versions of their products. has an advantage that no other company in this space have, namely a global TRADE GATEWAYS network. is now implementing a Web 3 Gateways network, to complement the TRADE GATEWAYS network. and act as a hub for Web3 products and services.
The Internet has undergone massive changes in the last five years which has led to the emergence of Web 3. Features of Web 3 include distributed ledgers, NFTs, and cross-platform metaverses, which have become all the rage. Web 3 Gateways provide access to Web 3 products and services. Web 3 is changing the Internet, and will greatly facilitate Trade.

e-Debit is the section of, that provides a framework for major partners to provide Blockchain powered payment services to Buyers of those digitized products.
This can help facilitate Supply Chain Finance, Invoices Finance, and Money transfers.
Electronic Bills Of Lading (eBLs) and Trade Digitilization
The Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA), have said that (DCSA) said that nine major ocean carriers have committed to issuing half of bills of lading electronically within five years and 100% in ten years.
Electronic bills of lading are critical documents in international trade, representing ownership of the goods in transit.
They are a foundational document for trade and trade finance. Despite most businesses going digital, eBL accounts for a tiny fraction of issued bills of lading, estimated at around 1.5%.
Hence a shift from 1.5% to 50% will be a significant move and a strong push for blockchain adoption.
A fully digitized bill of lading enables a more seamless customer experience across the supply chain and in turn make trade more efficient, and reduce time and costs for all relevant parties.
The need for digitization in trade is urgent. Industry needs to speed up the process.
Moving to 100% eBL will contribute towards climate goals, as we move towards net zero 2050.
One of the impediments has been the interoperability of different eBL solutions. The GTIN Token Programme of helps to address this as it build on the familiar and universal barcode system
How TradeDigitilization. com Works
eBLs are critical documents in trade finance because the organization that has the bill of lading effectively owns the cargo.
Making bills of lading electronic prevents fraud when sending a paper based version via courier. And because it can be transmitted electronically, it’s much faster and cheaper.
With Trade Digitilization, traders can now get greater access to trade financing through more reliable trade documentation that meet the requirements of financial institutions.
The process would start with a sale agreed through a TradeDigitization .com platform, possibly one operated by a partner such as TradeKey.
The difference between how things used to work and how Trade Digitalization could help is as stated below.
Step 1
Exporter received Bill of Lading (BL) from carrier (via courier)
Step 2
Exporter checks the details of BL including entire endorsement chain
Step 3
Exporter inserts BL into document pack and arranges courier pickup
Step 4
Exporter endorses and dispatches the BL to Negotiating Bank (via courier)
Step 1
Exporter receives eBL from carrier (via email)
Step 2
Exporter checks for authenticity and provenance including endorsement entry
Step 3
Exporter performs endorsement to Negotiating Bank and sends eBL to Negotiating Bank (via email)
Trade Digitilization provides up to 98% savings in transaction times.
Trade is changing
Trade is pretty much done the same way today as it has been for the last 200 years. Trade Digitization can help address historical problems and increase efficiency. Things are changing.
If you were a cargo owner in the year 1450, you would have handed over your goods to the ship that will carry them across the world, and are presented with a bill of lading—a piece of paper stating what you’re shipping, where it comes from, and where it’s heading.
Fast forward to this year. The world has changed dramatically, but the bill of lading remains relatively unchanged. Today, the bill of lading process is still reliant on the physical transfer of paper records and applies to roughly 40 percent of all containerized trade transactions.1
Current trade documentation spans many documents and processes, and is a manual, time-consuming, and resource-intensive process for all stakeholders.
Documentation for a single shipment can require up to 50 sheets of paper that are exchanged with up to 30 different stakeholders.2 The bill of lading, issued by carriers to acknowledge receipt of cargo from the shipper, is one of the most important trade documents required for shipping.
McKinsey analysis indicates that the bill of lading accounts for between 10 and 30 percent of total trade documentation costs. Shipping has not matured far beyond where it was in the 1400s.
Digitalizing trade documentation is an important step that can avoid unnecessary cost, save time, and enable trade. It can also improve supply-chain resilience and help to mitigate inevitable future disruptions.
Facilitating Trade Financing with Electronic Bills of Lading
When a container ship loads goods, the ship provides a bill of lading which determines who has legal title to the cargo. This document is used to raise trade finance from banks and other credit firms.
Making bills of lading electronic prevents fraud when sending a paper based version via courier. And because it can be transmitted electronically, it’s much faster and cheaper.
Electronic bills of lading (eBLs) are critical documents in trade finance because the organization that has the bill of lading effectively owns the cargo.
By using the Programme, traders can now get greater access to trade financing through more reliable trade documentation that meet the requirements of financial institutions.